10 Reasons You're Getting Tired Of Marvel Movies

8. They Emphasize Marketing Over Storytelling


From a marketing perspective, a series of hype-driven, interconnected movies aimed at a particular demographic are a dream, a chance for media conglomerates to work together to promote linked products across different media. Each new film hypes the next one, which in turn hypes the DVD release, and so on.

For an audience member, it quickly becomes clear that Marvel is more interested in “Synergy” than in organic storytelling. Iron Man 2 was sluggish and light on plot, but it was a great trailer for Thor. Captain America: The First Avenger stretched the origin story so far that it almost snapped, but it was a great trailer for The Avengers.

It’s the school of screenwriting that producers like Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer popularised in the 1980s, shaping the material to meet audience expectations and leaving it open-ended to encourage sequels. The problem, as Simpson and Bruckheimer discovered, is that the law of diminishing returns means it’s a swift descent from Beverly Hills Cop to Days Of Thunder. 


Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'