10 Reasons You're Wrong About Avatar
8. World-Building = Substance

Avatar is frequently cited as a "style over substance" movie, a rather pat and insincere term which ignores the fact that sufficient style can itself amount to substance in some cases.
What Avatar lacks in nuanced plotting and characterisation it more than compensates for with both its technical mastery and the sheer breadth and depth of its world-building, which in blockbuster terms is pretty much second-to-none.
Pandora is without question one of Hollywood's most impeccably-conceived worlds, teeming with exotic, beautifully rendered flora and fauna to the extent that some viewers even reported depression that Pandora wasn't a real place.
While there will be few who don't remember the awe of seeing Pandora's floating mountains for the first time, it's the smaller, obsessive details that really make the world feel as lived-in as it does.
Pandora's natural ecosystem is an endless source of fascination, and honestly the most hype-inducing aspect of the upcoming sequels.