10 Reasons You’re Wrong About Spider-Man 3

It wasn't all bad...

Comic book fans are notoriously hard to please. Every part of a film is dissected, and no matter how great the acting, writing and directing is, there will always be an onslaught of criticism. This intense scrutiny has left Spider-Man 3 riddled with a poor reputation, which is hardly deserved considering its important contribution to the genre. Prior to Sam Raimi€™s trilogy there was a stigma attached to superhero films - Batman & Robin had tarred the genre by flogging toys and targeting children. Then Spider-Man and X-Men came along, and it became clear that adults could enjoy superhero antics if the film was done properly. This paved the way for the abundance of comic book films that everybody now enjoys today. Spider-Man 3 receives a hatred reserved for a select few films. It is criticised for retconning the established continuity, having far too many villains, and for including a guaranteed-to-make-you-cringe dance sequence from Tobey Maguire. These are perfectly legitimate criticisms of the movie. However, these flaws do not justify the intense level of hatred that the film tends to receive. Sony rapidly rebooted the franchise after this film, which seemed to legitimise the criticism of Sam Raimi's final superhero film. Since the studio seemed to have lost faith in the film, audiences felt the it truly deserved its negative reputation. This should not be the case - the film was remarkable in many ways...
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A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: http://samuelclements.wordpress.com/