10 Reasons You’re Wrong About Spider-Man 3

5. Only A Handful Of Scenes Are Problematic

Most people cringed at Emo Peter Parker€™s bizarre dancing scene. It was completely against what everybody knew about the character and it seemed like it added very little to the film. But it was important - it showed us that the symbiote was altering Peter and changing his personality. Rather than the dorky kid who had graced screens before, he was now confident and outgoing, while as Spider-Man he was growing extremely violent. By juxtaposing the €˜nice guy€™ image against this new personality it became clear that the symbiote was changing the titular hero on a deeper level. Likewise bringing a character like Venom to screen was never going to be easy - he is Spider-Man€™s most formidable and recognisable foe, so it was inevitable this take would disappoint some viewers. There were some scenes that let the film down, but they are not so bad that they discredit the overwhelmingly good ones.
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A 21 year old History graduate looking for someone to listen to his ramblings. Lover of comic books, movies and all other superhero related things. Published in The Independent, always looking for interesting things to write about...Follow me on Twitter at @samclements1993, and check out my blog: http://samuelclements.wordpress.com/