10 Reasons You’re Wrong About The Hobbit Trilogy

8. You Wanted Something Different To Peter Jackson

What Peter Jackson wanted was to replicate what was in the book and what he learned from Tolkien€™s notes. Through his cinematic trilogy, Jackson sought to communicate an adventure of epic proportions, remaining consistent with his own modus operandi, whilst also communicating a considered account that was loyal to the source material. However, what audiences wanted was an endless stream of action, or more accurately, what they wanted was The Lord Of The Rings. As a result, audiences€™ expectations clouded their judgment of the trilogy. So with that in mind, The Hobbit films were never going to be what fans wanted them to be. In the same way as Ridley Scott€™s Prometheus (2012) flopped because it wasn€™t another Alien (1979), it€™s the ill-advised expectations of The Hobbit trilogy that smothered Jackson€™s new baby before it had even taken its first steps. It€™s therefore inequitable to criticise the series for not being something that it never had any intentions of being in the first place.

Writer of some things you liked and some you didn't. Film grad. Master of Arts. Adrenaline junkie.