10 Reasons You’re Wrong About The Hobbit Trilogy

7. Freeman's Bilbo Beats Wood's Frodo Every Time

Martin Freeman is a far better actor than Elijah Wood, period. And not only that, but Bilbo Baggins€™ characterisation is leaps and bounds better than Frodo€™s: Freeman€™s quirky but loveable turn is extraordinarily layered and his relaxed delivery of speech offers a refreshing distinction to the more stagey dialogue in Rings. Throughout the three consecutive films, Bilbo goes through a very natural change and it works; he represents courage and that is a very visible evolution in him. He grows from this nervous wreck into a pillar of strength and it€™s this superior characterisation that makes it easier for audiences to align with Bilbo and to feel immersed in this fantasy world. The many uninspired performances of the sequel series distance audiences from engaging with the heart of the story. However, helped on considerably by Freeman€™s rendition of Bilbo, audiences of The Hobbit are much easier given to the all-important suspension of disbelief.

Writer of some things you liked and some you didn't. Film grad. Master of Arts. Adrenaline junkie.