10 Reasons You’re Wrong About The Dark Knight Rises

4. A Good Twist

The reveal that Marion Cotillard's character, Miranda Tate, was in fact Talia Al Ghul, arrived in Gotham to finish her father's work, elicited a few sighs from fans. What an obvious last minute rug pull that barely even budged the coffee table, right. But why exactly was it obvious? The film had a couple of clues (she consistently eludes dangerous situations and is shown overlooking the final battle in classic villain style), but the main reason is that speculation had settled on this during the film's production. That Cotillard was allegedly playing a non-comic character sparked suspicion, while leaked on-set photos showed her in a distinct get-up walking with the bad guys. The problem with that is that it's like reading the script and then complaining when the film comes out you know what's going to happen. Taking away all that and the twist functions incredibly well. It comes out of nowhere and ups the stakes of the in-progress finale. As for it emasculating Bane, it really doesn't. If it did that wouldn't be an issue given how the film's already looked at the outward exterior of masculinity, but in practice all it does is provide him with an ally and a more human side.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.