10 Reasons You’re Wrong About The Dark Knight Rises

3. Nolan Didn't Just Jump Into It For Money

Remember in the intro when we talked about how the fans weren't too expectant about The Dark Knight Rises? Part of that was to do with the high watermark The Dark Knight set, but a central element of it was that its very existence appeared to be creatively compromised. After years of radio silence Nolan suddenly announced in 2010 that he would make a third Batman. The reason why was the usual "we have found a story worth telling", which naturally raised questions of studio bribing. And that feeling has carried through to the aftermath, with any issue with the film chalked up to the director not wanting to be there. Oh, come off it. This is the guy who is so respected by Warner Bros. that they threw $160 million at his passion project about dreams. Inception made over five times its budget, showing that Nolan doesn't need to be within the crutches of an established franchise to be a hit. There's no reason for him to look twice at the film without having a genuine creative stake in it. Yes, he did make Inception between The Dark Knight and The Dark Knight Rises, but using that as proof kinda ignores that he did the exact same thing after Batman Begins, making The Prestige as a palate cleanser before diving back into Gotham.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.