10 Recent Creature Feature Horror Movies You Need To Watch

1. Lamb

Blood Red Sky

From Norway to Iceland, and from something large and menacing to something cute and fluffy - to begin with, at least.

Lamb from 2021 tests how far maternal love can go, when two Icelandic farmers take in a half-human, half-sheep hybrid birthed by one of their ewes. María (Noomi Rapace) recently lost her own child, so grows to love the hybrid as her own, but things get complicated when the true nature of her surrogate offspring reveals itself.

As with Leigh Whannell's The Invisible Man, there are spoilers about Lamb that reveal just how creature-y it gets later on, but even without those, it's still an interesting take on the traditional monster flick.

The hybrid, which is called Ada, is seen by some as a monster, but María loves her unconditionally. Lamb uses the language of a monster movie to challenge its audience's preconditioned thinking about human relationships and how we are unconsciously conditioned to think about those different from ourselves.

More psychologically chilling than viscerally frightening, this film will definitely get your mind working and will definitely put you off mutton for the rest of your life.

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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.