10 Recent Horror Comedy Movies You Need To Stop Sleeping On

8. It's A Wonderful Knife

Sissy 2022

As its title may suggest, It's a Wonderful Knife is a horror comedy built for the festive season. But, while Silent Night, Gremlins, and Black Christmas get the bulk of the attention on this front, hidden treasures like this fall by the wayside.

Riffing on its Christmas classic namesake, It's a Wonderful Knife takes protagonist Winnie (Jane Widdop) on a bit of an unexpected journey on the Christmas Eve one-year anniversary of her saving her town from a hooded, masked, maniacal killer. Suffering in the aftermath and wishing under the aurora borealis that she was never born, Winnie is transported into a parallel universe where her absence has let the murderer continue killing. In order to set things right, she teams up with a rag-tag gang of companions, seeking to finger the culprit and perhaps make her way back to her own reality.

Nothing about this film is serious, and while its parody of the original doesn't quite stack up, its willingness to indulge in some righteous bloodshed more than makes up for this. It's festive, it's funny, and watch out for the Justin Long performance to end all Justin Long performances.

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