10 Recent Horror Comedy Movies You Need To Stop Sleeping On

7. The Coffee Table

Sissy 2022
Cinephobia Releasing

The Coffee Table - La mesita del comedor in its original Spanish, translating more directly as The dining room's small table - is a foreign-language black comedy horror from Caye Casas, who is nothing if not a slept-on director.

New parents María and Jesús Casas (Estefanía de los Santos and David Pareja) are after a new coffee table for their place to really tie the room together, and are (at least partially) persuaded by the salesman to purchase an expensive and high quality table that is a little out of their price range but promises to be unbreakable, filling their home with happiness and making their life better. Sure.

Unfortunately the coffee table does indeed break and, in the process, decapitates their baby. The rest of the film is a comedy of manners, wound up in Jesús hiding the death of their child and pretending everything is okay, while also hosting a dinner party.

Needless to say, this one didn’t get anywhere near the cinema (at least not in the UK), and has since been hard to find - even for those looking. Nevertheless, despite the bleak premise, the film is worth its wait in laughs. Just be certain you can stomach the horror.

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