10 Recent Horror Comedy Movies You Need To Stop Sleeping On

3. I Blame Society

Sissy 2022
Cranked Up Films

Gillian Horvat’s self-conscious, self-aware, self-starring indie horror comedy I Blame Society sends the director into a parallel world where her career isn’t going anywhere fast, and in which she comes to realise that her filmmaking abilities align rather well with, strangely enough, murder.

Embarking on a new undertaking altogether, by turning her creative output towards the snuff film, Gillian scouts locations, sets up hidden cameras, dresses her scenes, and kills people she has deemed bad, all in the name of boosting her career and ‘getting a good movie out of it’. Unfortunately, it all goes to her head and, despite not getting any direct kudos for her new direction (a serial killer can’t reveal her identity, after all), Gillian is constantly seeking to go that bit further than her previous kill/film.

The backbone of I Blame Society is the necessity for Gillian to go to war with a society that claims to value her work as a woman in film but then disregards it in the same breath. The kills look real, the laughs are wry, and while Gillian may be called “weird Greta Gerwig” in the movie, this is a way better social satire than Barbie, with a fraction of the budget and gallons more blood. 

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