10 Recent Horror Comedy Movies You Need To Stop Sleeping On

2. All My Friends Hate Me

Sissy 2022
BFI Distribution

The countryside is indeed scary and awful, and Andrew Gaynord's comedy horror All My Friends Hate Me is here to prove that.

Produced on humble UK shores, this indie flick takes us on an unsettling psychological journey in the company of Pete (Tom Stourton), a charity worker just home from a long trip abroad and keen to spend a weekend in the country with his old uni mates in celebration of his 31st birthday. But loud-mouthed local Harry (Dustin Demri-Burns) elbows his way in from the start and threatens the fragile stability of the friends’ dynamic. Things start to go wrong, Pete's friends turn on him, and he finds himself up against a sinister plot that his pals may or may not be involved in. And while this may all sound rather heavy, there are plenty of helpings of banter and a madcap cast of characters to keep the funnies coming hard and fast.

The film premiered at Tribeca and was picked up by BFI, but got limited cinema time and has pretty much gone unnoticed by the horror establishment. Granted, it’s not easy to get a small-budget British indie horror out there these days, but unless you’re subscribed to the BFI's own streaming service there’s a good chance you’ve never heard of All My Friends Hate Me.

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