10 Recent Horror Movie Scenes Too Disturbing To Watch

4. Why Is Mum On The Ceiling? - Hereditary

Spiral From The Book of Saw

As horror fans, we’ve seen many a possession over the years, but Ari Aster’s masterful 2018 film showed one of the most disturbing instances of this supernatural occurrence in recent memory.

After matriarch Annie Graham realises her dead mother was the head of a cult who was trying to put a demon in her son Peter, Annie herself only has moments to discover this before she herself is possessed and oh boy – the demon king Paimon does not pull any punches.

Annie floats through the air, climbs the walls like a spider, and in a particularly distressing scene, repeatedly slams her head against the floor of the attic whilst Peter tearfully begs her to stop. The tension building throughout the film bursts in this sequence, and Peter’s terrified response only adds to the horror.

In an almost poetic end, considering the way her daughter died earlier in the film, Annie’s torment ends when she hovers above her son and decapitates herself with piano wire. It’s horrific and as realistic as a possession scene could be, which only makes it worse really.

Special mention goes to the Oscar worthy performance by Toni Collette after she realises her daughter is dead – it’s easily one of the most harrowing depictions of grief shown on film in recent years.

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