10 Recent Horror Movie Scenes Too Disturbing To Watch

3. Hungry Hungry Cults - Mother!

Spiral From The Book of Saw
Paramount Pictures

Like Lars von Trier, Darron Aronofsky has some interesting ideas about the world, which was shown most apparently in Mother!

Telling the tale of two characters known only as ‘Him’ and ‘Mother’, whose lives soon spiral out of control in a Biblical metaphor for the destruction of the Earth, Mother unfortunately has a pretty terrible time.

Even the joys of motherhood are short lived. Mother’s house has been overrun by demented fans of Him, and they are rabidly trying to see the couple’s newborn baby. Surprisingly, Him thinks this is a Completely Good And Fine Idea. Mother, as most normal people would, knows this is a terrible idea.

However, Him steals the baby while Mother sleeps, and when she awakes, she frantically searches for her lost child. Jennifer Lawrence’s sobs and screams are heart-wrenching, and when she finds her baby it is being held aloft above the crowd. Then, without warning, the rough handling of the new born causes its neck to snap.

It’s so unexpected and utterly jaw dropping, and it only gets worse when the raving cult decide to eat – yes, literally eat – the newly dead baby.

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