10 Recent Horror Movies Ruined By Their Third Act

6. Alien: Romulus

Trap Josh Hartnett
20th Century Studios

Alien: Romulus' third act is unquestionably the most divisive part of the movie, for after two reels of gut-wrenching suspense and solid character work, it devolves into a more typical Alien Movie with some ill-advised indulgences.

For starters, there's the embarrassing fan service invocation of Ripley's (Sigourney Weaver) iconic line from Aliens, "Get away from her, you b*tch," which would feel more at home in an overzealous Alien fan film.

Elsewhere the attempts to bring the world of the Alien prequels into Romulus' continuity - namely the returning presence of the infamous black goo pathogen - feel unnecessary for a supposedly "standalone" story.

And then there's the do-over of Alien: Resurrection's human-Xenomorph hybrid - an idea that's plenty horrifying in theory, yet the execution in this case is more goofy than scary.

The third act isn't an unmitigated disaster like most of the films on this list, but it does feel like a car crash of half-baked ideas and images that don't really cohere in a satisfying way.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.