10 Recent Horror Movies Ruined By Their Third Act

5. Cuckoo

Trap Josh Hartnett

Cuckoo is one of the strangest and most polarising horror films of the year so far, albeit one which remains intriguingly strange for its first two-thirds. 

The issues arise when filmmaker Tilman Singer remembers he should probably explain the avalanche of Very Weird S**t we've been subjected to for the past hour, and the revelations ultimately leave a feeling of, "is that it?"

After learning that the terrifying hooded woman glimpsed throughout the film is actually a member of a human-adjacent species, the reveal of her "true form" is massively deflating - she's just a human-looking woman with dark eyes and a creepy mouth. 

Beyond that, all the suspense up to this point fizzles out in the final stretch amid a slew of unconvincing plot turns and muddled motivations, ensuring you're more likely to be frustrated than satisfied by how everything pans out.

Cuckoo is destined to endure as a beguiling cult horror regardless, but it really whiffs the final 20-or-so minutes.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.