10 Recent Horror Movies That Were Sent Out To Die
1. Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022)

The 2022 version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre left viewers furious, not just because it was so bad, but because it could've been awesome. The pace is swift, the gore is creative, and we got to see Leatherface square off against the heroine from the original film, Sally Hadesty (this time played by Olwen Fouéréa).
But despite all those positive attributes, Texas Chainsaw Massacre overall came out as a dumpster fire. The social commentary is shockingly shallow and ham-fisted. Excluding Ruth, all the characters have the survival instincts of a lemming. When Leatherface steps on a bus brandishing his chainsaw, the passengers livestream him onto social media, hoping to get him cancelled. Nothing is less funny than joking about 'millennial cancel culture', it's so un-funny it hurts.
But Texas Chainsaw Massacre's greatest sin is wasting the character of Sally. Despite the fact we're teased an epic showdown between Leatherface and the original Final Girl, the final brawl is insultingly anti-climatic. Even though the previous entries in the franchise may fall into the category of "so bad, it's good" for some, this sequel is more in the vein of, "so bad, you want to punch the screen".
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