10 Recent Horror Movies You Should Watch Knowing NOTHING

1. Skinamarink

The Substance Demi Moore

The best way to describe Kyle Edward Ball's Skinamarink without giving anything away is probably to just call it "experimental." 

Now in fairness, this is possibly the most "not for everyone" horror film ever made, and that's clearly very much by design, with Ball delivering an eerie mood piece that's less concerned with technical polish and an easily understood narrative.

It is, however, an unforgettable Vibes Movie and one of the most unique, distinctive horrors of the past decade - a bold attempt to do something different which, depending on who you ask, is either a mesmerising success or hypnotically dull.

But for horror fans who pride themselves on exploring all corners of the genre, it's absolutely appointment viewing - as antithetical to glossy studio horrors as it's possible to get.

Despite its polarising nature, that Skinamarink grossed over $2 million theatrically against a mere $15,000 budget is hugely encouraging for the genre's health.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.