10 Recent Indie Horror Movies To Watch This Halloween

8. Mom & Dad

Mom And Dad Nicolas Cage
Momentum Pictures

It's been a good year for Nicolas Cage-led horror films, with his first indie hit being this demented horror-comedy from Crank co-director Brian Taylor.

Cage and Selma Blair star as parents caught up in a mysterious epidemic where parents start murdering their children, causing the pair to relentlessly hunt down their own son and daughter.

Though Cage's role is a bit smaller than advertised, Mom and Dad nevertheless serves up plenty of Wacky Nic Cage shenanigans, thanks to a knowing script that makes the most of its loony premise, awash in riotous satire and, yes, buckets of gore.

And that's not to forget Blair's equally fantastic performance as Cage's murderous wife, either. With its mere 83 minute run-time, Mom and Dad gets in and gets out with zero bloat or wasted time whatsoever.

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Horror Mandy
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.