10 Recent Movie Cameos NOBODY Saw Coming

2. Anya Taylor-Joy - Dune: Part Two

Dune: Part Two Anya-Taylor Joy
Warner Bros.

Because Dune: Part Two's cast apparently wasn't ludicrously stacked enough, Denis Villeneuve had a surprise cameo lying in wait for fans, with Anya Taylor-Joy appearing for about 30 seconds in total as Alia, Paul Atreides' (Timothée Chalamet) currently unborn sister who appears to him in fleeting visions.

It's hardly a shock to say that Taylor-Joy fits quite perfectly into the world of Dune, even if her casting required the role of Alia to be significantly aged-up from Frank Herbert's novel.

By the end of Herbert's original Dune book, Alia is already four years old, and in sequel novel Dune Messiah, she's 16 years of age - considerably younger than Taylor-Joy's 26 years at the time of shooting.

And so, Villeneuve will certainly need to come up with a creative way to explain Alia's more mature appearance in the sure-to-happen planned adaptation of Dune Messiah.

But before our final entry, if you haven't yet seen Deadpool and Wolverine, know that MAJOR SPOILERS will follow.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.