10 Recent Movie Cameos NOBODY Saw Coming

3. Miley Cyrus - Drive-Away Dolls

Dune: Part Two Anya-Taylor Joy
Focus Features

Ethan Coen's Drive-Away Dolls features one of the most bewildering and unexpected cameos in recent memory

Miley Cyrus makes an uncredited appearance as Tiffany Plastercaster - a hippie woman who creates plaster casts of mens' penises, including Senator Gary Channel (Matt Damon, making another of his many career cameos here).

Cyrus only appears in the film for a few scattered seconds, yet even with the kaleidoscopic visuals surrounding her, there's no mistaking that we're looking at the pop icon.

While it doesn't get close to topping the brilliance of her cameo in The Night Before - where she gamely played herself - it gets a lot of points for coming totally out of nowhere.

Fun fact: Tiffany Plastercaster is actually based on a real person, Cynthia Plaster Caster, who indeed created plaster casts of celebrities' penises, and later branched out to include female artists' breasts also. What a world.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.