10 Recent Movie Deaths EVERYONE Hated

8. Anika Kayoko - Scream VI

Fast X Jakob John Cena

The Scream franchise has never been afraid to give beloved characters nasty, brutal deaths, and Scream VI was no slouch in that regard either.

While no major characters got the Dewey (David Arquette) treatment this time around, the slasher sequel delivered one seriously unnerving death scene which left many fans angry and upset.

Mid-way through the movie, Mindy's (Jasmin Savoy Brown) likeable girlfriend Anika (Devyn Nekoda) is killed after Ghostface invades the Carpenter sisters' apartment.

Anika, who has already been gravely wounded by Ghostface, attempts to escape the rampage by climbing across a ladder balanced between two apartments, only to get caught short when the killer grabs the ladder.

Before Anika can make it all the way across, Ghostface violently shakes the ladder until she falls from it, hitting her head on the dumpster below, killing her instantly.

What makes this death truly "stick to the ribs," as they say, is the prolonged focus on Anika's fear and suffering before she's helplessly thrown from the ladder.

Her pained cries of, "I don't want to die" make it one of the most agonising and upsetting deaths in the entire series - a huge testament to Devyn Nekoda's compelling performance in the scene.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.