10 Recent Movie Performances Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

6. Austin Butler Lost Touch With Who He Was And Was Rushed To Hospital - Elvis

Top Gun Maverick Tom Cruise
Warner Bros.

While the chance to appear in not only Baz Luhrmann's first feature film in almost a decade, but one focusing on the life of arguably the most legendary Rock and Roll figure of all time was clearly too tantalising an opportunity to turn down for Austin Butler, the need to live up to this larger than life icon more than took a toll on the Once Upon a Time in Hollywood star.

As Butler would later recall to GQ upon looking back at the sheer lengths he went to when trying to delve into the mind of The King of Rock and Roll himself, Elvis Presley:

“You can lose touch with who you actually are. And I definitely had that when I finished Elvis – not knowing who I was.”

And highlighting the frankly extreme levels of pressure he put on himself throughout his gyrating work on the project, Butler would also reveal how his body ultimately broke down the moment he finished up on the shoot, and that he was eventually diagnosed with a virus that simulates appendicitis before being bedridden for seven days.

Sounds like he more than earned that week-long lie down, to be honest.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...