10 Recent Movie Performances Even More Impressive When You Know The Truth

5. Plastic Wrap Took Its Toll On Paul Dano - The Batman

Top Gun Maverick Tom Cruise
Warner Bros.

Taking his place alongside the pantheon of legendary antagonists to torment The Batman over the course of Matt Reeves' latest iteration of all things Gotham, it was evident from the minute he signed on the dotted line that Paul Dano would put his heart and soul into making his Riddler a presence to remember.

But, the actor soon found himself paying the price for going to rather extreme lengths in order to authentically chill and disturb all who witnessed his Edward Nashton's many Zodiac-killer-inspired antics. As he'd eventually confess to EW, Dano struggled sleeping some nights due to this particularly intense personality being "a little hard to come down from".

Going further, the thorn in Robert Pattinson's Bats' side would also admit how his idea to completely wrap his head and body in plastic wrap, to highlight how the character would've gone out of his way to avoid leaving any DNA evidence behind, eventually led to his head unexpectedly "throbbing" due to the excessive heat being generated beneath.

Luckily, the crew later landed upon the idea of popping a few holes in the makeshift mask, but Dano would still recommend "skip(ping) the cling-wrap" should you opt for a Riddler cosplay this Halloween.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...