10 Recent Movie Remakes That You Already Forgot Existed

1. Point Break (2015)

Robocop Joel Kinnaman
Warner Bros.

The Original: I'm not sure that the original Point Break is a good movie, per se, but it has something and that's enough. Much of Point Break is awkward, badly-written and - let's face it - cheesy as hell, but it's also the '90s, man, and who cares? Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze in the same film, going head-to-head as an FBI agent and a bank robbing-surf dude. There are homosexual overtones and there are mind-blowing action sequences - the kind that only Kathryn Bigelow can deliver. Yes.

The Forgotten Remake: "They could never remake Point Break," you said, once, in the pub to a friend after a few pints. "It'd be impossible." And you were right: you could never remake it in the sense that it'd be good, but you could just remake it outright, devoid of purpose. Which is what they did.

This film came out less than a year ago and already it has been cast aside with all the flippancy of a flicked cigarette butt.

The most curious thing about Point Break 2015 is that it feels like the filmmakers purposely set out to create the blandest version of the iconic flick imaginable: no-name actors with zero appeal and the general feeling that nobody on set gave a damn. Plus, none of the campiness that made the original so appealing - it's so serious that it has all the staying power of an extreme sports clip on YouTube.

Did you actually see any of these remakes? Let us know which you think is the most forgettable down in the comments.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.