10 Recent Movie Remakes That You Already Forgot Existed

2. Poltergeist (2015)

Robocop Joel Kinnaman
20th Century Fox

The Original: So Spielbergian was Poltergeist in its tone and general filmness that the critics saw it and declared: "No, Tope Hooper can't have possibly directed this thing - it must have been Spielberg, who produced the film, secretly operating the camera and making all the big decisions." We're still none the wiser, but Poltergeist is a fantastic horror yarn none-the-less, packed with memorable scenes that elevate it far beyond its simple haunted house premise (also, there's a scary clown).

The Forgotten Remake: When Hollywood said, "Hey, you... do you fancy a Poltergeist remake starring Sam Rockwell?" I immediately stood up and took notice, because I love Poltergeist and I love Sam Rockwell. Somehow, though, Poltergeist 2015 - that's right, it only came only last year and you've already forgotten it - was destined to be sucked into a mystic vortex, much like the house is at the end of the original flick. The problem here is that the film fails to reestablish itself as worth watching on account of - God forbid - its own merits. It's the definitive rehash.

As for Sam Rockwell? Phoning it in, guys! Does that ever happen? As a result, you're left wondering why anybody bothered. A waste of everyone's time, sure, but especially the cast and crew, who could've spent the money on an original.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.