10 Recent Movie Remakes That You Already Forgot Existed

7. Conan The Barbarian (2011)

Robocop Joel Kinnaman

The Original: Arnold Schwarzenegger was born to play Conan the Barbarian, because assuming the role of a barbarian does not necessarily require you to function as an actor; you need only a physical presence, with just enough range to deploy the occasional grunt or aggressive war cry. This is a pure and primal slice of '80s filmmaking, and one that launched its lead actor to global fame; the kind of prehistoric fantasy fever dream that Hollywood is no longer capable of producing.

The Forgotten Remake: At the time of Conan 2011's release, most people would have been familiar with Jason Momoa due to his hunky, muscular barbarian character in HBO's adaptation of Game of Thrones - though they weren't fond enough to go and support his big break as the lead in a Hollywood film.

A few months after Momoa was making waves on Thrones, Conan The Barbarian rolled into theatres and instead of swarming to their local multiplex, the punters simply turned their noses up at the remake, insulted by the mere thought of it. On paper, it looked like prime rib, but the delivery of the material - the plot, the acting, the arbitrary fight scenes - lacked the rawness of the original gem.

When was the last time you heard anybody talk about the Conan remake? And yet it's too insignificant a picture to actively hate upon. Dead and buried, this.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.