10 Recent Movie Remakes That You Already Forgot Existed

8. Footloose (2011)

Robocop Joel Kinnaman
Paramount Pictures

The Original: Another '80s "classic" defined by a catchy song, Footloose is ridiculous and absurdly entertaining escapism, which is a combination I can really get behind. Kevin Bacon stars as the rebellious teen who finds himself in a tight spot when dancing - yes, dancing - is banned in his small American town. Of course, he's Kevin Bacon and so there's absolutely no way in hell he'd choose to obey such oppressive silliness. You and everybody you know likes this film; there's no use denying it.

The Forgotten Remake: When did this come out? Does anybody remember this actually coming out and people actually going to see it? I ask because I feel like I hit my head during the week of 2011 Footloose's theatrical release, so shocked was I to discover that they'd bothered to remake this film.

It is not quite terrible, I suppose, but it is bland in all the ways the original isn't: every scene serves to remind you that the other versions of those scenes were done better in '84. This isn't Fame-remake bad, but it's such a retread - with such forgettable leads - that it's literally impossible to enjoy it as its own thing.

"Make it sexier," they said, failing to realise that without Mr. Sex himself, Kevin Bacon, Footloose could not be any sexier than it already was.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.