10 Recent Movie Remakes That You Already Forgot Existed

5. Oldboy (2013)

Robocop Joel Kinnaman

The Original: One of the greats of world cinema, Oldboy is perhaps best known for its infamous scene in which a man and his trusty hammer take on countless goons in a glorious fight sequence captured in a single take, but there's so much more to this dark and violent tale of revenge and redemption. Oldboy managed to penetrate the mainstream on account of its compulsive watchability: it's a film that disgusts and entertains in equal measure, with a truly ugly twist at its core.

The Forgotten Remake: "Why?" said everyone when it was announced there would be an American remake, so ill-judged was the decision to remove Oldboy from its South Korean setting and shift it the United States. Spike Lee directs, with Josh Brolin in the lead role, which - at first - inspired some hope, but no: the most shocking thing about Oldboy 2013 isn't how bad it is, but in how little it does to differentiate itself. It's a remake that fears originality and settles for mere imitation.

People were initially very mad about this, but when it ultimately rolled into theatres nobody took any notice. It hasn't tarnished the legacy because it has been totally ignored; even hardcore Oldboy fans are likely to have forgotten it was ever made.


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.