10 Recent Movie Remakes That You Already Forgot Existed

4. Carrie (2013)

Robocop Joel Kinnaman

The Original: Brian De Palma directs Stephen King's first novel to perfection, with Sissy Spacek cast in the role of the titular teen. Carrie is a tormented by both her peers and her mother, and when she hits puberty she releases that she isn't normal after all - she has psychic powers. She ends up burning down her school during prom, which is without question the film's most famous scene, whilst De Palma cements himself as the man responsible for one of the best horror films of the '70s.

The Forgotten Remake: Carrie 2013 actually seemed like a good idea when it was first announced: Chloe Grace Moretz, coming straight off the back of superhero flick Kick-Ass, felt like an appropriate choice and there was a feeling that, hey, maybe it's time for Carrie to iconically burn things again. Alas, this remake offered nothing in the way of scares and Moretz turned out to be miscast to the same degree that Andrew Garfield was miscast in Spider-Man: they weren't believable enough as outcasts, because, c'mon, have you seen these two? Gorgeous!

Carrie wasn't a flop, but it didn't leave a noticeable mark on pop culture, either: it came and went with little fanfare, and now its lack of impact is felt by way of its non-existent cultural standing. Admit it: you completely forgot Carrie 2013, didn't you?


Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.