10 Recent Movie Trailers That Spoiled WAY Too Much

4. The Final Scene - Immaculate

Movie Trailers Spoilers

The Sydney Sweeney-starring horror film Immaculate was a pretty solid stab at familiar material, and actually a good deal better than what the relatively generic trailers made it out to be.

But there's one money shot at the end of the trailer that even the most lapsed horror fan could probably guess was from the very end of the movie - Sweeney's protagonist Sister Cecilia screaming with blood smeared over her face.

Considering this shot is unlike any other in the rest of the trailer, it's easy to deduce - quite rightly - that this is the ending sequence. 

More to the point, it's actually Immaculate's final shot, and given that a prominent plot point revolves around Cecilia becoming pregnant despite being a virgin, it's also easy to piece together that she's in the midst of a very traumatic birth.

While it would've been tough for any marketing bigwig to resist showing this glimpse of a bloodied Sydney Sweeney, final shots of movies should probably be off-limits for trailers in most cases.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.