10 Recent Movie Trailers That Spoiled WAY Too Much

2. X-23 - Deadpool & Wolverine

Movie Trailers Spoilers
Marvel Studios

In one of the biggest cases of "why, though?" in modern movie marketing, we have Deadpool and Wolverine's decision to spoil one of its biggest cameos upfront.

Though the superhero threequel's trailers largely did a great job of selling the film without giving too much away, the final trailer - released less than a week before its international rollout began - rather needlessly spoiled that Laura aka X-23 (Dafne Keen) would have a role in the film opposite Logan (Hugh Jackman).

Given that Deadpool and Wolverine was already tracking to pull huge numbers at the box office, was this spoiler in any way necessary? 

More to the point, as great as it is to see X-23 in the film, it's incredibly unlikely that advertising her part in the movie shifted many more - if any more - tickets.

Kevin Feige offered the hilariously unconvincing explanation that X-23's role was spoiled so that Dafne Keen could attend the film's premiere without her sheer presence there spoiling her cameo. 

But Keen could've simply been there because of her role in Logan, and her presence alone would only invite speculation about her part, rather than flat-out confirming it as the trailer did. The logic here is weird at best.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.