10 Recent Movies NOBODY Expected To Be This Good

7. The Suicide Squad

Free Guy Ryan Reynolds
Warner Bros.

Now to be fair, there were very, very few people out there who were silly enough to bet against James Gunn, who after delivering two thoroughly entertaining Guardians of the Galaxy movies, seemed primed to deliver the R-rated Suicide Squad fans actually wanted way back in 2016.

But the bar was also an incredibly low one to clear, and as such there was no doubt that Gunn would wipe David Ayer's original Suicide Squad movie off the map.

Yet the marketing was a tad lukewarm overall, selling The Suicide Squad as a fun, gory superhero movie for grown-ups, but more likely one that would end up being "pretty good" and score in the 60-80% range on the Tomatometer.

A pleasant surprise it was, then, when The Suicide Squad ended up scoring 91% with a mighty 7.5/10 average, placing it in the upper-echelons of comic book movies.

Truly, Gunn's film massively over-delivered compared to the expectations set by its marketing: the well-realised characters, brutal action, hilarious comedy, and general do-anything-you-want absurdity of it all added up to the most entertaining blockbuster experience of the year so far.

Given the film's mediocre box office performance, though, the marketing probably should've made a greater effort to set Gunn's film apart from Ayer's widely-maligned predecessor.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.