10 Recent Movies NOBODY Expected To Be This Good

6. Pig

Free Guy Ryan Reynolds

Back when the first trailer dropped for the new Nicolas Cage-starring drama Pig, the Internet couldn't stop itself from collectively laughing at the apparent absurdity of a John Wick-style thriller in which Cage, with a straight face, tracks down the schmucks who kidnapped his precious truffle pig.

Except, Pig isn't that movie at all.

Despite the expectation that Pig would be another self-consciously schlocky Nic Cage joint, it actually turned out to be a quiet, somber character piece about a man's love for his pig.

The potential for unintentional comedy speaks for itself, and yet Cage's performance is so sincere, and debuting filmmaker Michael Sarnoski's script and direction so clear-eyed, that it becomes an uncommonly absorbing revenge parable.

No, there aren't any extended set-pieces where Cage's protagonist goes full ham (sorry) on a fleet of assassins - the overwhelming majority of the film is comprised of people talking, and the result is no less cinematic dynamite.

In addition to the rave reviews, ranking it among the most-acclaimed films of the year so far, Cage is even courting early awards buzz for his stunning performance. You love to see it.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.