10 Recent Movies NOBODY Expected To Be This Good

4. Slaxx

Free Guy Ryan Reynolds
The Horror Collective

A film about a possessed pair of jeans murdering the employees of a clothing store doesn't exactly sound like something that'd get critical raves, and yet, with a rollicking 97% on the Tomatometer, this low-budget Canadian horror is one of the best-reviewed genre films of the year.

On pure premise alone, Slaxx sounds like a movie destined to receive mixed reviews at best, to play well within the gore-hound demographic but leave more general audiences absolutely baffled.

And yet, its creative execution, black comedy, and potent social commentary add up to make Slaxx a horror film that ticks all the entertaining boxes - it's funny, gory, and thoughtful to boot.

Nobody would've batted an eye if Slaxx scored 7%, 27%, or 47% with critics, but 97%? Truly, it's persuasive proof not to judge a movie by its cover - or in this case, the silliness of its premise.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.