10 Recent Movies NOBODY Saw Coming
9. A Different Man
When the first image was released of Sebastian Stan starring as a man with neurofibromatosis in A Different Man, many initially assumed that it was a semi-autobiographical story about Adam Pearson - an actor with neurofibromatosis best known for appearing in the sci-fi horror film Under the Skin.
However, A Different Man is far from what many expected; it isn't an awards-baiting drama in which an extremely handsome Hollywood star undergoes a radical makeup transformation to resemble a disfigured man. Rather, filmmaker Aaron Schimberg dares to go deeper, as Stan actually portrays Edward, a man who is swiftly cured of his neurofibromatosis and goes about establishing a new identity for himself with his new appearance.
But in a clever twist, Pearson himself appears in the film as supporting character Oswald, a man with the same condition and with whom Edward comes into conflict. The result is a fascinating psychological thriller that's far more darkly humourous than most were surely expecting - it couldn't be much further from the by-the-numbers Oscar darling many initially pegged it as.