10 Recent Movies NOBODY Saw Coming

9. A Different Man

Better Man

When the first image was released of Sebastian Stan starring as a man with neurofibromatosis in A Different Man, many initially assumed that it was a semi-autobiographical story about Adam Pearson - an actor with neurofibromatosis best known for appearing in the sci-fi horror film Under the Skin.

However, A Different Man is far from what many expected; it isn't an awards-baiting drama in which an extremely handsome Hollywood star undergoes a radical makeup transformation to resemble a disfigured man. Rather, filmmaker Aaron Schimberg dares to go deeper, as Stan actually portrays Edward, a man who is swiftly cured of his neurofibromatosis and goes about establishing a new identity for himself with his new appearance.

But in a clever twist, Pearson himself appears in the film as supporting character Oswald, a man with the same condition and with whom Edward comes into conflict. The result is a fascinating psychological thriller that's far more darkly humourous than most were surely expecting - it couldn't be much further from the by-the-numbers Oscar darling many initially pegged it as.

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Better Man
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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.