10 Recent Movies Ruined By Terrible Endings

9. Cobweb

No One Will Save You Kaitlyn Dever

Cobweb is so damn close to being a really, really good horror movie, with the majority of the story centered around a young boy, Peter (Woody Norman), believing that his parents (Lizzy Caplan and Anthony Starr) have hidden his unwanted sister, Sarah, in the walls of their home.

Between the sublimely creepy performances from Caplan and Starr and the generally uneasy, ambiguous suspense of that opening hour-plus, Cobweb seems totally primed to become a modest little cult classic. That is, until we finally meet Sarah for real.

In the finale, Sarah convinces Peter to kill his parents and then free her from captivity, at which point it's revealed that Sarah is a severely deformed woman with large, piercing eyes and contorted limbs who effectively walks around like a spider (cobweb, get it?).

Yet the movie's tight budget just can't do Sarah sufficient justice, and so she ends up more a laughable VFX calamity who is very obviously concealed in low light for almost the entirety of the climax - as though the filmmakers themselves were embarrassed by how silly she looks.

Cobweb certainly makes some ballsy narrative decisions, but it becomes incredibly difficult to take Sarah or the movie as a whole seriously once the veil has been lifted.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.