10 Recent Movies Ruined By Terrible Endings

8. Fast X

No One Will Save You Kaitlyn Dever

Fast X was by no means a particularly good movie up to its ending, yet it was at least held aloft by a wonderfully deranged performance from Jason Momoa as villain Dante Reyes. Yet even Momoa's howlingly cartoonish work couldn't fully compensate for the blockbuster's groan-worthy trifecta of climactic stupidity - and not stupid in the way that used to be fun in this series.

The movie ends with Dom (Vin Diesel) driving his car, with his son as a passenger, off the edge of a dam to escape Reyes' trap, only to inexplicably reach the bottom in one piece and discover that Reyes has also rigged the dam with explosives.

As the bombs go off, the scene suddenly cuts to black, ending the movie on a cliffhanger with the fates of Dom, his son, and a good chunk of the Family - whose plane was shot down moments earlier - left hanging in the balance.

Beyond how utterly cheap this cliffhanger ending felt, it was also completely unpersuasive given the series' non-existent regard for stakes - a fact hilariously backed up by the movie's final scene bringing Giselle (Gal Gadot) back from the dead to rescue Letty (Michelle Rodriguez) and Cipher (Charlize Theron).

The only saving grace was the tease that the next one might be better, with a mid-credits scene announcing Luke Hobbs' (Dwayne Johnson) return to the franchise for its possibly-maybe final chapter.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.