10 Recent Movies Ruined By Terrible Endings

6. Insidious: The Red Door

No One Will Save You Kaitlyn Dever
Sony Pictures Releasing

Insidious: The Red Door is yet another junky horror romp from one of the most inexplicably popular genre franchises going today, but it's mostly inoffensive enough - that is, until the end.

The narrative may be basically sloppy nonsense at this point, but at least it was reasonable to expect a climax with some knowingly camp funhouse schlock, right? Well, not quite.

The fifth Insidious ends with Josh (Patrick Wilson) once again going into the Further to rescue his son Dalton (Ty Simpkins) from the series' iconic villain, the Red-Faced Lipstick Demon (Joseph Bishara). Ultimately, Josh holds off the demon at the red door used to enter and exit the Further, allowing Dalton to escape back to the "real world," where he comes up with an hilariously naff plan for defeating the demon.

Dalton goes to his painting of the red door and paints over said door with black paint, sealing it and keeping the demon at bay. Yup, that's it - just a lick of paint.

For a series that's never been afraid of going big and goofy, this felt low-key to a fault, and that a post-credits stinger also suggests Dalton's artistic solution didn't quite stick only makes it that much worse.

Truly, the Insidious franchise will outlive us all.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.