10 Recent Movies Ruined By Terrible Endings

4. No One Will Save You

No One Will Save You Kaitlyn Dever

Sci-fi horror film No One Will Save You is a remarkably bold movie for the most part; a near-wordless alien invasion story in which a young woman, Brynn (Kaitlyn Dever), is forced to fend off a fleet of extraterrestrials while living alone.

It's a neat concept and one executed with serious panache by both director Brian Duffield and lead Kaitlyn Dever. So, it's a shame that Duffield's story just can't stick the damn landing.

At the end, Brynn is abducted by the aliens' flying saucer, where they probe her memories and learn of the traumatic childhood incident which caused her to become a pariah in her town - she hit her childhood friend with a rock in a moment of anger, killing her by accident.

What do the aliens decide to do with this information? They let her go, and while it appears that Brynn has found a way to triumph over her trauma, that's not really the case - the other residents of the town remain firmly under the control of the aliens and their parasites.

The rub, though, is that the mind-controlled locals don't shun Brynn, allowing her to live a warm and happy life - albeit one that's of course basically a lie.

While the ending is certainly ambitious and provocative, it also feels like Duffield didn't really know how or when to wrap up the story. If it ended instead at the precise moment that Brynn is beamed back to Earth, it would've totally sidestepped the offputting goofiness of that final sequence.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.