10 Recent Movies That Blew Great Concepts

8. The Marksman

Voyagers movie
Open Road Films

Liam Neeson playing a grizzled, over-the-hill sniper in a gritty western set on the Arizona-Mexico border, where he saves a young Mexican boy from the local drug cartel? Sounds great, right?

The Marksman sees Neeson gliding gracefully into the sort of role you'd typically expect to see Clint Eastwood accept in recent years, but despite his fully authentic performance, this film can't help but feel like a Poundland version of No Country for Old Men.

No western thriller cliche is left untouched here, and despite the clear stylistic departure from Neeson's last decade-plus of disposable action thrillers, its narrative beats are still frustratingly similar.

You know pretty much exactly what you're getting with The Marksman, which will be a warm comfort for dads everywhere and just a bit boring to everyone else.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.