10 Recent Movies That Grossly Overestimated What Their CGI Could Do
1. Star Wars: The Last Jedi

And finally, we have one of the most controversial and divisive blockbusters in years, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Many may take umbrage with Rian Johnson's expectation-defying storytelling, but for the overwhelming majority, the movie's visual effects are pretty much beyond reproach. With a $317 million budget, you'd sure as hell expect so.
There's one sequence that unfortunately falls far short of the rest, though: the Fathier chase sequence on the casino planet Canto Bight feels like it was the last task in the production pipeline, and as time ran out, they simply had to make do with half-finished results.
The main issue is that the Fathiers look awful when running at full speed: they basically resemble blurry blobs, and things get even worse when Johnson zooms in close on Finn (John Boyega) and Rose (Kelly Marie Tran) sat astride one of the beasts.
The background they're composited into is a smudged mess that brings back long-repressed memories of the overly effects-heavy Star Wars prequels. For as many strong technical choices as Johnson made in The Last Jedi, this entire sequence probably should've been re-worked before release, because it stands out in all the wrong ways.
How offputting did you find the rancid CGI in these recent movies? Shout it out in the comments!