10 Recent Movies That Wasted AMAZING Concepts

5. It's A Wonderful Life... But A Slasher Movie - It’s A Wonderful Knife

The Marvels

It's become something of a trend for slasher movies to reimagine classic films - the recent Totally Killer, for instance, reinvented Back to the Future as a horror flick with solidly decent results.

And on paper, a slasher version of holiday classic It's A Wonderful Life could've been an absolute blast, yet ultimately it's clear that somebody cooked up the title first and then realised they actually had to write the movie.

The brilliantly-monikered It's A Wonderful Knife follows Winnie Carruthers (Jane Widdop), a depressed young woman who, upon wishing she'd never been born, ends up transported to a parallel universe where she never existed, and a serial killer known as The Angel is terrorising her town.

It's a cute concept, yet between the ropey internal logic of the situation, the underwhelming, not-Christmassy-enough kills, and a clunky third-act twist, It's A Wonderful Knife doesn't get close to achieving its full potential.

Winning performances from Widdop and Jess McLeod certainly keep the film on the right side of watchable, but this could've been so, so much more.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.