10 Recent Movies That Wasted AMAZING Concepts

4. Willem Dafoe's One-Man Show - Inside

The Marvels

Though it received curiously little attention when it was released last year, Inside rocked one hell of an attention-grabbing setup.

Willem Dafoe stars as Nemo, an art thief who finds himself locked inside a luxury Manhattan penthouse when his latest job goes horribly wrong.

And given that Inside takes place entirely inside said apartment, it affords the great Dafoe an enviable opportunity to deliver one hell of a one-man show, as his Nemo gradually loses his mind amid the isolation.

But the truth, honestly, is that despite a heroic effort from Dafoe, Inside is ultimately a stamina-drainingly tedious affair.

The experiment is laudable, but the script is too spare and the pacing too slack, that not even Dafoe's compulsively compelling appeal can carry it through its overegged 105-minute runtime.

To be clear, there is absolutely a version of Inside that would've worked terrifically, but it needed to give Dafoe more dramatic meat to sink his teeth into and clip along at a speedier pace. Instead, it's a nice try, but no cigar.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.