10 Recent Movies That Wasted AMAZING Concepts

2. Superhero Body Swap - The Marvels

The Marvels
Marvel Studios

Given that the Marvel Cinematic Universe's output has suffered from a major poverty of imagination in recent years, a Captain Marvel sequel fashioned as an homage to body-swap comedies like Freaky Friday seemed like a major breath of fresh air.

While it's worth pointing out that The Marvels technically isn't a body-swap movie - given that the three focal superheroes swap places, not bodies, every time they use their powers - the spirit of the concept is nevertheless totally adjacent.

But though the marketing suggested that this gimmick would be a major focus of the movie, it's ultimately only deployed when it's convenient for the story, and ends up feeling like an undercooked missed opportunity.

Even if you forgive the utter lack of consistency regarding the rules of when the trio swap places, there's desperately little creativity to the swapping itself, bar a few nifty combat beats.

Rather than using the conceit for the sake of both chaotic, unique action sequences and unexpected comedy, it feels like an afterthought that was plugged into the script when Kevin Feige decided it wasn't punchy enough yet.


Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.