10 Redeeming Elements In Otherwise Awful Movies

4. The Final Chase Scene - The Lone Ranger (2014)

Bison Street Fighter

The Lone Ranger is the worst kind of bad action movie: The kind that thinks it is fun, but really really REALLY isn't. It tries to be a fun adventure film, but also has a weirdly dark undercurrent and a runtime longer than Batman Begins. And while a thrilling chase sequence doesn't redeem the inherent flaws in the film, it does help wash the bad taste out of the audience's mouth.

The sequence I'm referring to is a thrilling 2 train chase scene at the very end of the film that somehow manages to capture the spirit of the Lone Ranger when the 2 hours preceding it have done nothing but remind the audience why the film was an awful idea. But when the William Tell Overture kicks in right before the chase scene, the film somehow manages to come to life.

While the rest of the film is forgettable garbage, the 30 minute sequence that ends it is an exhilarating experience for action movie fans, and fans of the original series in general - assuming there are any left in the theatre by the time it shows up.


Self-evidently a man who writes for the Internet, Robert also writes films, plays, teleplays, and short stories when he's not working on a movie set somewhere. He lives somewhere behind the Hollywood sign.