10 Relationships That Must Be Explored In Future Marvel Movies

1. Tony Stark & Bruce Banner

The two Avengers members who got along the best were undoubtedly Bruce Banner and Tony Stark. The biochemist, nuclear physician and gamma radiation expert really hit it off with the genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist in what some may see as a very unlikely friendship, given Banner's reserved nature and Stark's flamboyant nature. They conducted research together and expressed the same concerns over S.H.I.E.L.D.'s use of the Tesseract, before joining forces to fight Loki and the Chitauri - with Banner (in the form of the Hulk, who Stark was fascinated by) saving Stark (in his Iron Man guise) as he fell back to Earth unconscious after destroying the Chitauri mothership with a nuclear missile. The two smiled at each other at the end of the movie, drove off together and Banner was seen in the post-credits scene of Iron Man 3, when he was meant to be listening to Stark getting his problems off his chest (but had actually fallen asleep). It's a real bromance between two of the most popular characters in the franchise and the actors (Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr.) share a wonderful on-screen chemistry together. Seeing their friendship develop further would be great. So there you have it - ten relationships in the Marvel Cinematic Universe that we enjoyed watching enough to want to see them further explored. Do you agree? Which other relationships in the MCU do you want to see developed further? Let us know in the comments box below.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.