10 Relationships That Must Be Explored In Future Marvel Movies

2. Tony Stark & Steve Rogers

This relationship has a lot of potential to be very volatile and, while the duo seem more than willing to work with each other when the situation calls for it, you get the impression that it could all go very wrong extremely quickly. Steve Rogers and Tony Stark argued with each other on quite a personal level in the Avengers movie, with Stark telling Rogers that everything special about him "came out of a bottle", then telling Rogers that he himself was a "genius, billionaire, playboy philanthropist" and Rogers responding that he knows guys with none of that "worth ten" of Stark. Of course, during this argument, the S.H.I.E.L.D. Helicarrier was attacked and the argument was quickly forgotten, as they helped each other to take down a number of Loki's henchman and get the Helicarrier back up and running, but the foundation for future conflict between the two has definitely been laid. It will be interesting to see how the two interact in future, as any future conflict could lead to the huge comic book event that was Civil War coming to the big screen - and that would be nothing short of amazing.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.