10 Remakes That Totally Outshone The Original

7. Buffy The Vampire Slayer (TV)

The Wizard Of Oz
Mutant Enemy

Released in 1992, the film Buffy the Vampire Slayer received lackluster reviews and likewise box office returns. The campy flick that had been swamped with turmoil behind the scenes starred Kristy Swanson in the title role alongside Luke Perry and Donald Sutherland. It has also been noted for featuring Hilary Swank in her movie debut in a small role and Ben Affleck in an even smaller one.

The film likely wouldn't be remembered by very many if the television version hadn't premiered in 1997 with Sarah Michelle Gellar headlining the cast. Its tone would be very different from the previous product. While comedy would be an essential element, the tv series also balanced it with possibly equal parts drama and horror.

Though it went somewhat under the radar during its run, it has since been regarded as one of the finest television shows ever created. It has also been viewed as a landmark for its treatment of a lead female character.

It would produce a successful spin-off, Angel, beginning in 1999. Both series would be chosen to continue in comic book form, helping to start a new trend in the television community.

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I like to think I'm a clever person, but apparently I'm not clever enough to come up with a witty biography.